Office Closure Due to Threat of Severe Weather

Our office will be closed on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 due to potential impacts from Hurricane Zeta which is excepted to make landfall in Southeast Louisiana. Please stay safe and follow the guidelines issued by your local officials. NEWS RELEASE PLAQUEMINES PARISH, LOUISIANA October 27, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Parish President Lepine Declares State of…

New Grand Jury Impaneled September 30th

District Attorney Charles J. Ballay reports that a new Grand Jury for the Twenty-Fifth Judicial District, Division B – Judge Michael Clement, was impaneled on September 30th at the Multipurpose Building on F. Edward Hebert Blvd in Belle Chasse. The panel consists of 12 jurors and 4 alternates. The first scheduled session of the Grand…

Teaming Up With the LDWF to Keep Our Waters Safe

District Attorney Charles Ballay presented LA Wildlife & Fisheries agents at the new District Attorney’s office with a program to allow them to obtain search warrants from judges remotely via Cloud Gavel that will authorize them to collect evidence when out investigating criminal violations on our waterways and remote locations. Assistant District Attorney Jerry Lobrano…

Donald Humble Denied Parole a Second Time

On Thursday, July 16, 2020, Plaquemines Parish District Attorney’s Office prosecutors successfully argued in opposition to the parole application of Donald Humble. In 1967, prosecutors successfully convicted Mr. Humble of luring two United Cab drivers from New Orleans, robbing them and then murdering them in Plaquemines Parish. The presiding judge sentenced Humble to two life…

Our Office Has Moved

We have moved locations from 102 Avenue G to our new office at 333 F. Edward Hebert Blvd, Building 201. The new location in the Plaquemines Parish Government Complex is the first standalone state-of the-art office of the District Attorney since a fire destroyed the original office. During the last eighteen years, a series of…